•Repeat exactly what the child says
•Whisper, sing, emphasize elements of syntax, segmental or suprasegmental info
•Ask – what did you hear? As precursor to repeating spoken stimuli
•Encourage and coach parent as primary model
•Best listening conditions
•Sit near better ear
•Speak close to child’s HA or CI
•Speak at regular volume
•Minimize background noise
•Use interesting speech –repetitive, rich in melody, expression, rhythm
•Acoustic highlighting
Children learn when actively engaged in relaxed meaningful interactions
•Teach through Parent and caregivers
•Diagnostic sessions
•One-one therapy focus
•Maximum use of hearing
•Teach child as part of a team pf professionals
•Move closer to microphone
•Rewording, provide alternatives, repeating previously heard info
•Waiting +/or pausing for responses
•Putting spoken language directly back into hearing after a required visual tactile or kinesthetic cue
•Hand cue -
What is the hand cue?
•Signals “listen intently”
•Used to assist child to integrate all 5 senses
•Adult covers her mouth
•Encourages listening
•Adult moves her hand toward the child in a nurturing way as a prompt for vocal imitation or signal turn taking
More AV Strategies:
•‘set the stage’ for listening
•Key word at end of sentence
•Key word in mid sentence
•Smiling with expectation
•Eye contact
•Leaning forward
•Talk about it before showing it
•Not touching child for attention
•Comment throughout play
•Auditory closure
•Changing task from open set to closed set
•Providing rhyming words
•Referring to a “hearing age”
What is "Waiting" in AVT?
Child might need time to process and respond to what he hears
Pause and give time for the child to hear you
Give a little pause before one very important word; “I want you to pick up your …pause…shoes.” Pause to signal changes to facilitate speech processing
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