About Me

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Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Learning about Lobstering

Going Lobstering by Jerry Pallotta & Rob Bolster is a great book to read for learning about lobstering. After some reading, playing with toy lobsters and traps, seeing real live lobsters, we take a field trip to the Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center to learn more!

Children discover how lobstermen catch lobsters. They also learn what else can be found in lobster traps!
In our summer Auditory-Verbal sessions, parents and children learn:

  • the parts of a lobster

  • what can escape when there is a hole in the trap

  • what other creatures like to crawl in traps

  • what floats on the surface of the water

  • why some lobsters are thrown back in to the ocean
  • to idenitfy lobsters in relation to other ocean animals
  • what a buoy is for
  • what the bottom of the ocean looks like
  • and more

Parents learn vocabulary to enhance in other activities:

a pier, traps, buoys, surface, harbor, "to be on the look out", a light house, bait, location, attracted, escape, winch, pulley, 'know what to expect", entrance, gauge, eye socket, flap, rubber bands, cruncher claw (strong and dull), scissor claw ( sharp and quick), stun, gigantic, scavenger.

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